Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Next year, things are locking up...

     Have you ever thought to Google "beautiful women"? You should try it. Chances are the women that appear don't really look like you or your daughters. I only looked through the first 10 pages. There were very few women of color. The women of color that were pictured all had straight hair. There were no heavy, thick, curvy (whatever word you like) women. A woman of color with natural hair did not appear until page six. The first few pages display scantily clad women in underwear or swimwear. Google doesn't define beauty but it is a reflection of what society values in women.
     For the past few years, I have been on a  mission to redefine beauty for my daughter. I want her to see that she is beautiful even if she can't see herself in Google images definition of beauty. I also want my son to appreciate the natural beauty in all women.  I embraced my natural hair, I work out and embrace my curves and I started eating more clean  foods to maintain my health. There was something lacking for me. For years (probably about 10) I have been talking about locking my hair. I never did for 1 million and 1 reasons. I was never ready for the commitment. I love my hair. I love the versatility of my  hair. I loved my afro. I loved it twisted. I loved it straight. I loved it crazy.There were also so many negative opinions about locs from people in my life. I wouldn't look professional. My locs would smell. I would not be attractive with them.

               Afro                                            Straight                                                Twist-Out

     I finally decided that I was ready for the commitment. I also decided that I did not care about any one else's opinion. I made an appointment and prepared myself for a few months of awkward hair. I got my hair interlocked instead of twisted because I wanted to make sure that my hair didn't unravel when I exercise. I went to Donella at the Salon Lofts in Shaker Ohio. I am very happy with my hair. In fact, I can honestly say I love my hair. It was already cut in a bob so the locs looked semi-cute after they were done. The hair in the back that was shaved was not long enough to interlock. When it grows out, we will interlock those.  When I left the shop, I teared up a little. I felt free. And happy with my choice.Who knew that such a small change would impact me in such a major way?

          Day One                                            Day Two                                     Day Three

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Embracing the treadmill

Many people question my resolve as a runner because I frequently run on the treadmill. One of my family members often tells me that I am not a" real runner" because I run on a treadmill. I know that there are many who think less of those who run on the treadmill. I am not one of those people. I run outside during comfy temps and weather. It's not ideal for me to run in extreme heat or extreme cold and snow. I will run in freezing temps while it is in the process of snowing or if there is no snow build-up and I will run in the rain. I don't run outside if there is any chance at all that I could pass out from heat exhaustion or slip on ice and break a hip. I  can't imagine that a broken hip would be fun for me.
      I also run on the treadmill because I am a lazy runner. When I run outside, I find a comfortable pace and keep it. It is hard for me to push myself to run faster while outside (unless I'm running with the Joes). On the treadmill, I set a speed and run it. No matter what. I cover the console on the treadmill and let my NikePlus alert me to mile markers. Watching the numbers slowly change drives me crazy. I also feel more compelled to not change the speed unless I am increasing the speed. I am usually on a treadmill next to someone. As soon as I get on the treadmill, whoever is next to me is my competition. I need to workout longer and harder than them and I can't slow down. (This backfired once when, after an hour and 15 minutes, the young lady next to me admitted she does the same thing and was waiting for me to quit. We quit together...).
     Another plus to treadmill running is that I can do it whenever I want. I am sometimes busy with the Joes and cannot make it to the gym until late. Instead of running in the dark, I run in a safe, well lit environment. 
     I'll be the first to admit that treadmill running is extremely boring. I have developed games that I play with myself to keep on track. Sometimes I determine that I will run for a certain number of songs. Ten songs is usually 3 miles for me (a slower gal). Sometimes I increase the speed after a certain number of songs. For example, I start on 5.5 and after every 2 songs increase the speed .2. This game always has me finishing faster than I started and helps me practice conserving energy until the end of my run.
     While I am a big fan of the treadmill, I will never buy one for my home. I fear it will end up in the basement, looking pretty, not being used, like our beloved elliptical. I will stick to hitting the gym during inclement weather for my treadmill runs and loving it!!