On Wednesday August 13th, I hopped in the shower and was singing along to Avery Sunshine. I was determined to have a great day. I was singing "Shine" and lathering up. I am a jerk. I don't care if any one else in the house is sleeping. I sing loud and off. So...while singing and lathering, I found a lump in my right breast. My day immediately went downhill. I thought of my mother and her fight with breast cancer (despite the fact that we had no genetic connection) and leaving my kiddles and then I snapped back to reality. I thought about who I could talk to. The answer was: no one. I was worried but would anyone else be? And does anyone else need to worry besides me? I thought and thought and decided not to talk to anyone. I went to work and called my ob/gyn's office and requested an appointment. I was scheduled for September. I share an office with one of my ob/gyn's nurses who is also a friend. She jumped into action emailing the doctor and then scheduling me for a mammogram and ultrasound for the next day. I was relieved to have the appointment and that someone else knew and was also concerned. I had my first mammogram on the 14th of August (1 day before my 39th birthday and 1 year early). I had heard terrible things about mammograms. It wasn't as bad as I had heard. I was a little embarrassed at how much the young lady struggled to smoosh my tiny little boob onto the plate. I imagine that if I were perhaps a cup larger it would be easier but , alas, my girls are wee little things. After the mammogram, I waited in a little room watching HGTV and eating snacks with an older lady who was VERY talkative for what seemed like hours. Finally, I was taken for the ultrasound. I watched the screen as two masses appeared. "Oh" she exclaimed "There are two here". She examined them and took pictures and then explained that she thinks that they are just cysts and that she will send them to my doctor who will contact me. The doctor has not contacted me yet so I am going with "no news is good news". My nurse friend said that they would contact me immediately if there was a concern. I am now very hopeful and thankful for the quick response.
Sometimes I ignore ailments for fear of of the unknown or because I don't want to look silly for complaining about something that is minor. This situation reminded me that I am in control of my health and I need to be vocal about whats going on and my needs. Just wanted to remind everyone else to check your boobies and be your own advocate for your health. You're the most qualified person to do it!!!