Thursday, January 31, 2013

Coming along...

I have decided to use the half marathon training plan I used last year to prepare for the Mill Creek Classic to prepare for my races next season. Check out that schedule here... My goals thus far include completing the RiteAid Cleveland Marathon 10K in about 63 minutes and completing another half marathon. I started my training last week with a 5 mile run on Sunday. I was able to complete 3 of the 4 runs on the schedule. I ran into a problem!! I have not found a happy medium between weights and running. I tried to run after leg day and my legs said "No-way!" There was some success with my weightlifting.  I was able to increase the number of leg presses that I do and the amount of weight on my high bar back squats from 75 pound to 90 pounds (at the insistence of my son). This week, I have changed up my schedule a bit and have been able to get a couple of runs in AND hit the weights at the gym. I repeated week 1 of the training plan. This is what week 1 looks like:

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Week 1 off 3 miles off 3 miles off 4 miles 3 miles

I am feeling quite successful this week!! Another success has been my eating. We have tried some new recipes this week that were a hit. We tried Turkey and Spinach meatballs with whole wheat pasta. Loved this recipe because both of The Joes were able to get involved and help. The meatballs were made with 1 pound of ground turkey, about 2 cups of fresh spinach (sauteed in coconut oil) 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, 1/4 cup whole wheat bread crumbs, 1 egg, minced garlic, oregano, Adobo and pepper to taste. We rolled them into about 20 meatballs and baked them in the oven on 375 for 20 minutes. They were a little ugly but were pretty yummy!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Leg Day

Leg day for me is not successful if I can walk sans pain the next day. A good leg day will yield some soreness a couple of days later. I have been working to perfect a leg day routine that will yield these desired effects. My current routine incorpates running and weightlifting. I start on the treadmill and finish with squats. I usually do 5 assisted chin-ups between each machine.

15 minutes on treadmill

3 minutes on 5.5 (comfortable pace)
3 minutes on 7 (fast pace)
3 minutes on 5.5
2 minutes on 7
3 minutes on 5.5
1 minute on 7
(You can change the speeds to match your own fitness level. Running on 7 for me is a fast pace.)

After the treadmill I head to the leg press. I usually work my way up to 400 pounds. I start at 290.

Leg Press            Hip Abduction                   Calf Raises         High Bar Back Squats

1x10 290             5x10 at 170 on inner        5x10 at 110        4x10 at 75 lbs
1x10 310             5x10 at 150 on outer
1x10 330
1x10 350
1x10 370
1x10 390
2x10 400

Of course, I cant keep doing the same workout and expect to see the results I desire. I have set some goals for myself with regards to changes to my leg day routine. I currently use a leg press machine that only goes up to 400 pounds. The leg press with the free weights intimidates me. I plan to woman up and use the other machine. I want to increase the weight I can press by about 50 pounds in the next month or so. My inner thighs are stronger than my outer thighs. I want to see some equality in the amount of weight I set for the hip abductor machines. Additionally I would like to increase the weight to 190. I plan to increase the number of calf raises over time. I think that I will gradually add 1 set of 10 until I am doing 10 sets of 10 during each leg day workout. My son constantly fusses at me when I squat. He thinks that I should be using more weight. I don't feel that I am ready. I am working on it, though. When I get to that last set of 10, I can see my muscles quivering in the mirror. I don't know if those muscles can handle more weight yet!!! I plan to try, though. My goal is to be squatting 90 pounds in about a month.  I am hoping that stronger legs will translate into a faster 10K and of course great gams!!!


Friday, January 11, 2013

The poopy truth about running

I try to imagine if I would have started running if I had known that there was a possibility that I would experience intestinal issues when running. Perhaps I should not be so general and explain that running gives me the runs. YUCKERS!  I didn't know this at first. Apparently, I can run shorter distances with minimal distress. When I started running longer distances, I found out that my body punished me by giving me the poopers. I took to the internet and found that this was a common affliction for runners, often called "runner's trots". I adjusted my pre-run diet to save me from the trots and made arrangements for conveniently located bathrooms to be made available to me on race days. Unfortunately, this was not the end. I began to notice that I was experiencing abdominal pain and cramping even when I had not run. I ignored the pain for awhile and attributed it to my increased level of physical fitness. I began to find that the texture of my stool was inconsistent and that there was blood and copious amounts of mucous in it. At this point, I went to my PCP, who wrote an order for a sigmoidoscopy. When I went in for the consultation, the MD did not do the sigmoidoscopy but did check my rectum and reported that he did find an abnormal amount of mucous. Despite that fact, he suggested that perhaps my symptoms were secondary to a medication I was taking for my arthritis. He suggested that I wait a couple months to see if the problem resolved itself. I was flabbergasted! I tossed around the idea of seeing another doctor but didn't put too much effort into it. I was working from home one day and experienced pain and cramping so severe that I was on my hands and knees. It almost brought tears to my eyes. I called a group of colorectal surgeons associated with Lake Health Systems. The woman who answered the phone listened to my complaints and then directed me to a gastroenterologist. At this point, I felt optimistic. Someone was listening to me!!! I called The Center for Digestive Health and made an appointment with Dr Nicholas Golden. When I saw Dr. Golden, I explained to him what I was experiencing. He quickly dismissed the idea that I was experiencing these symptoms secondary to my medication. He was shocked that the other well know health system had dismissed my symptoms. He ordered a colonoscopy and a hydrogen breath test. The hydrogen breath test is used to determine if an individual is lactose intolerant. After this appointment, I was feeling more positive about my situation. During the colonoscopy, the doctor found inflammation in my colon. He sent samples out for a biopsy. I was pretty nervous about that. The doctor was reassuring and knowledgeable. He answered all questions I had and explained what the inflammation could be an indicator of. The hardest part about this process was waiting for the results. I finally got the results and some much needed relief. The hydrogen breath test indicated that I was not lactose intolerant. My love for cheese,yogurt and all things dairy can continue!!!! The doctor diagnosed me with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS.  I am currently in the process of finding which foods trigger my symptoms but I am excited that things are not as bad as they could be. Not everyone who runs experiences runners' trots. If you do, it may be a normal occurrence. If you are experiencing symptoms that concern you , you may want to talk to your doctor about them. The most important lesson I learned throughout this process was to listen to my body. I'm now ready to train for the Cleveland Rite Aid 10K and very excited about it!!!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I am not really a New Year's Resolution type girl. I generally set goals around my birthday as it is a meaningful time for me. As 2013 approached, I repeatedly thought of changes I wanted to make in the New Year and things I wanted to add to my life. I decided to actually write them down and share them.  Last year was a significant year of physical changes for me.  I ran a half marathon and found myself to be much stronger than I thought I was. I also shed some pounds that have been hanging around for the better part of my 30's. This year I plan to add a lot of muscle to my newly lean frame. I am very excited about the idea of being a muscley-fit chick. I WILL achieve that this year. I plan to continue lifting and running and I want to add yoga for flexibility. I will also be starting an indoor running group at the gym where I workout for people like myself who cannot brave the snow. Personally, I plan to spend more time with my friends and loved ones. I am a homebody. It is comfortable for me to hang out at home with The Joes. This year, I plan to spend more time away from home loving, laughing and enjoying my relationships. I took a little time off from grad school in 2012. I plan to get back on that horse in 2013. I also plan to learn to crochet/knit. I have not decided which one yet. I plan to learn which ever one is easier. Additionally, I will take another much needed super awesome vacation with the Joes.  There are a few other changes I am praying for in the New Year. I will reveal them as they happen... Have you set any goals for the New Year? Are you planning to reclaim your sexy in 2013?