Thursday, January 31, 2013

Coming along...

I have decided to use the half marathon training plan I used last year to prepare for the Mill Creek Classic to prepare for my races next season. Check out that schedule here... My goals thus far include completing the RiteAid Cleveland Marathon 10K in about 63 minutes and completing another half marathon. I started my training last week with a 5 mile run on Sunday. I was able to complete 3 of the 4 runs on the schedule. I ran into a problem!! I have not found a happy medium between weights and running. I tried to run after leg day and my legs said "No-way!" There was some success with my weightlifting.  I was able to increase the number of leg presses that I do and the amount of weight on my high bar back squats from 75 pound to 90 pounds (at the insistence of my son). This week, I have changed up my schedule a bit and have been able to get a couple of runs in AND hit the weights at the gym. I repeated week 1 of the training plan. This is what week 1 looks like:

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Week 1 off 3 miles off 3 miles off 4 miles 3 miles

I am feeling quite successful this week!! Another success has been my eating. We have tried some new recipes this week that were a hit. We tried Turkey and Spinach meatballs with whole wheat pasta. Loved this recipe because both of The Joes were able to get involved and help. The meatballs were made with 1 pound of ground turkey, about 2 cups of fresh spinach (sauteed in coconut oil) 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, 1/4 cup whole wheat bread crumbs, 1 egg, minced garlic, oregano, Adobo and pepper to taste. We rolled them into about 20 meatballs and baked them in the oven on 375 for 20 minutes. They were a little ugly but were pretty yummy!

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