Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Official Cleveland Rite-Aid Marathon Blogger!!!

Yesterday I received notification that I was selected to be one of twelve official bloggers for the Cleveland Rite Aid Marathon. To say that I am excited is an understatement! I am truly honored to be chosen. I am NOT running the marathon. I'm running the 10K. This will be my third year in a row running this particular race. The first year I ran it, I didn't realize I could not pick up my race packet on race day and ran without a bib. I had no time registered. I did memorize the girl's number I ran along side of so that I could look for pictures of myself crossing the finish line. Last year, I was better prepared. My friend picked up my packet for me. On the morning of race day, I could not find her. I had the announcer announce her name, but she did not respond or appear at the podium. She later told me she thought it was a joke. Once again, I had no time registered for my run. This year I plan to run the 10K AND register a time.  There are 11 other bloggers as well and 10 guest bloggers. Check out the other bloggers here...


  1. Oh my goodness! What a stressful way to start a race!!! Glad you made it through anyway! The Cleveland Marathon is a lot of fun! Have fun with your 10k training!!!

    1. It WAS pretty stressful! I did catch up to them at about the mile mark so we were able to run much of the way together! I am excited about training! I plan to have fun and reach some goals I have set for myself!
