Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Drum Roll Please: Introducing me...AC!!!

Being skinny is easy, trust me I have over twenty nine years of experience. Being fit....well that requires some effort.

Being the "skinny girl" my entire life I have heard it all;"why don't you just eat", "are you anorexic"," you're so lucky","girl I would never want to be as small as you" and so on and so forth. Despite the relentless efforts of others to make me feel inadequate, I grew to be comfortable in my own skin. Even after having my first child I was still, unbeknownst to me, incredibly fit! What changed?

You guessed it baby number two and the  world's most horrific pregnancy, it's in the Guinness Book of World Record's for the World's Most Miserable Pregnancy...well maybe not but you get the point! After I had my second daughter at the age of twenty five I discovered that I no longer had the gift of teenagary (I made it up) on my side,my body had been stripped of a large portion of the muscle tone I had taken for granted and  I couldn't perform simple tasks such as digging a hole in the ground. Yes I'm serious, I couldn't dig a hole in the ground! So I began my journey of complaining about my body and reminiscing on how it used to look and how fast I used to do this and that, pathetic right. So I began a different journey to reclaim my life, my body, my youthfulness and of course my sexy!

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